1. Rumah sianjung-anjung
Rumah sianjung-anjung is home-faced four or more, which may also comprise tersek sat or two and given a horned.
2. Rumah Mecu
Rumah Mecu is a house that looks simple,
two-faced has a pair of horns.
Meanwhile, according Binangun, Karo traditional houses can be divided into two namely:
1. Rumah Sangka Manuk
Rumah Sangka Manuk is binangun houses made from blocks overlap-override.
2. Rumah Sendi
Rumah Sendi is pole house that made her stand up and be connected with one another so that the building blocks into the joints and sturdy. In singing this house is also called House Joint Ivory Kurungen Manik.
Karo custom house was established under the direction kenjahe (downstream) and kenjulu (upstream) according to the flow of water in a village.
Room in a traditional house
The traditional house is usually occupied by four or eight families. Placement of the families were in the custom house (jabu) made under the provisions of the Karo tradition. Traditional house in general can be divided into jabu ginger (downstream) and jabu Julu (upstream). Jabu ginger jabu bena divided on logs and timber benana jabu Lepar. Likewise jabu kenjulu divided into two, namely jabu tip timber and timber end sendipar jabu home. This is actually referred to as the customs jabu. The houses are traditional four-room formerly contained in Kuta Tubes, Fruit King, Lau Tubes, Limang, Perbesi, Peceren, Linga, and others.
There are times when a traditional house consists of eight rooms and is inhabited by eight families. In fact, there are custom homes Munte village inhabited by sixteen families. In this traditional house is inhabited by eight families, while dapuar in custom homes there are only four, each jabu divided in two, so that there jabu jabu sedapuren bena-wood, wood tip sedapuren, sedapuren Lepar bena wood, and wood jabu sedapuren Lepar tip.
The composition jabu and the inhabitants are as follows:
1. Jabu Benana Wood

2. Jabu end Wood (son Beru).
This jabu kenjulu him in the direction of the traditional house. If we go from door kenjulu custom home, located on the left or diagonally with wood benana jabu location. Jabu was occupied by child or child kuta Beru Beru from jabu benana Wood. Its function is as a spokesperson jabu bena wood.
3. Jabu Lepar Benana Wood
Jabu is in the direction kenjahe (downstream). If we're home from kenjahe door located on the right, this is sembuyak jabu Inhabitants of jabu benana wood. Its function is to listen to the news that happens outside the home and deliver it to jabu benana wood. Therefore, this is called jabu sungkun jabu news (information sources).

Located kenjulu section (upstream) custom homes. If we go from door kenjulu to traditional house, located on the right. Jabu was occupied by kalimbubu jabu benana wood. Therefore, this is called jabu jabu the manganese-minem. Fourth jabu jabu is called customary, because of its placement must be in accordance with the customs, as well as the inhabitants are determined by custom. However, sometimes also the traditional house that consists of delpan or sixteen jabu.5. Jabu sedapuren benana wood (peninggel-ninggel).
Jabu was occupied by child Beru's home minister of mantek kuta (jabu benana wood), and are often called jabu peninggel-ninggel. He is the son Beru from wood tip.
6. jabu sidapuren wood tip (rintenteng).
Sembuyak from the end occupied by wood, which often also called jabu arinteneng. His job is to engkapuri belo, belo submit kinapur (persentabin) to guests jabu benana wood. Therefore, it is also called jabu jabu arinteneng.
7. Jabu sedapuren Lepar tip timber (talk to the teacher).
Inhabited by the teacher (shaman) or physician who knows the various treatments. His job treating the sick family members.
8. Jabu sedapuren Lepar wood benana
Inhabited by Puang kalimbubu of wood benana jabu called jabu pendungi ranan. Because usually in indigenous runggun Karo final approval is given by Puang kalimbubu.
If you want to see the house you can visit it directly on the taneh karo
precisely in the lingga village about 1 hour from Kabanjahe the capital district Taneh Karo
may be next time I will visit....